If you are pregnant you are probably already noticing a lot of changes in your body. Not just the baby bump but also you may be feeling differences in your hips and low back. This is completely normal. If you are experiencing pain in these areas, a good natural treatment may be massage. Read on to learn what you need to know about prenatal massage.

What You Need To Know About Prenatal Massage

Can I have prenatal massage during my first trimester?

Many massage therapists will not preform prenatal massage during the first trimester. This isn’t because it isn’t safe, but rather because of fear of liability. Massage during the first trimester can be safe if the therapist has training in prenatal massage as well as the proper supports for positioning a pregnant woman safely. There are a few pressure points that a knowledgeable therapist will avoid but you are safe to get a massage from a therapist with prenatal training.

How can I get a good massage if I can’t lay on my stomach?

This is true – you cannot lay face down for a massage on a flat massage table. Many clinics or spas will lay you on your side with pillow support to work the back and the legs. While this may work and be safe, it isn’t as comfortable or as effective as what we use at Maternal Massage. We have specialized orthopedic pregnancy massage pillows that are designed to allow the therapist to have the best access to the hips and low back while keeping mom and baby safe. These special pillows are extremely comfortable and can be adjusted to fit to every body.

If you go to a clinic with a hole so your belly is hanging with absolutely no support, do not get a massage there. It is not recommended because the stomach cutout does not relieve stress on the abdomen. In fact, letting it dangle can stretch out the ligaments in the abdominal area.

How can I find a good prenatal massage near me?

It is important to know the above information before scheduling any prenatal massage. Make sure the therapist knows you are pregnant and how far along. Ask about support and positioning on the table. Ensure that the therapist has training in prenatal massage. This is your massage, your body and your baby. You can ask as many questions as you have. Maternal Massage does not tweak a massage to fit the needs of a pregnant woman. Rather, we specialize in prenatal massage. We have the supports, the knowledge, the training and the experience to help you safely receive massage throughout your pregnancy and beyond. Click here to book online or call us at 385-351-5626 to schedule today.